5 habits to keep the house organized

We know how difficult it is to maintain an impeccable household. Between work, the gym, and family commitments, there aren’t enough hours in the day. For this reason, we want to share with you 5 daily habits that you can build as a family to help keep your house clean and leave you ready to bring energy to your day.

Top 5 Habits for a Clutter-Free and Organized Home

1. Pick up everything before bed: At the end of the day, spend 5 minutes of your time picking up and cleaning everything you can. This will help get the next day off to a great start.

2. Make the bed: Simply making your bed will help create a tidy, orderly environment in your house. Also, teaching your children to keep their room organized and clean will help them build a lifetime habit.

3. Clean the bathroom: It seems like a chore to do weekly, but nothing beats a clean and tidy bathroom. Use Fabuloso® 2X Concentrated Multipurpose Cleaner on your faucet, sink, toilet, shower, and tub to leave your bathroom clean and smelling fresh. 

4. Leave the dishes and the dining room clean: After each meal, clear the table and do the dishes right away. It only takes a few minutes, especially if each member of the family contributes or takes turns. 

5. Take out the trash every day: Many people leave this unpleasant task for the end of the day, when they hardly have any energy left. If you get used to taking the trash out every morning, that’s one less task for the nighttime, when you could be spending time with family or relaxing.

Keeping the house organized can make a big difference in your life, leading to less stress and more time to have fun with family. Start incorporating these habits and you will notice a positive change in your home and outlook on life.

This is a personal suggestion provided by consumers, Colgate-Palmolive assumes no responsibility for this information; Our recommendation is always to follow the instructions for use of our products.

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